Thursday, July 12, 2012

[INFO] Minister of Tourism, Culture & Sports talked about JYJ!

Topic: Spreading Korea’s culture and sports to the world today [YTN FM Radio interview]

Aired in YTN FM 94.5 (18:10-20:00) July 11, 2012

[T/N]: They were talking about Kpop and the Minister said how some groups do activities without commercial fanfare and without the financial support from the government. 

Choi KwangSik (Minister of Tourism, Culture & Sports):

This is especially true in JYJ’s case, which is exemplary. JYJ not selling tickets is a very good example of that.

[T/N]: The minister is talking about the free tickets to the recently concluded JYJ membership week.


You also know about JYJ. It seems like you know more about JYJ than me.

Source: YTN via Nate
Translated By: @rubypurple_fan of JYJ3