Tuesday, July 24, 2012

[INFO] BODA 7 (July) Magazine – Junsu’s love for his fans was remarkable!

Junsu’s love for his fans was remarkable

It was deeply impressive to witness Junsu showing his love for his fans on the red carpet. Since he appeared on the red carpet and till he disappeared into a building, he waved his hand to every fan in every side. Even considering that most of the people around the red carpet were Junsu’s fans, his attitude was very rare to see on the red carpet. Most stars usually walk on the red carpet, wave their hands formally, and leave in hurry after being taken photos in frond of photo wall. Compared with this, it is very exceptional that a star says hello to fans from the begging to the end. Of course, in frond of the photo wall he waved his hand to all fans around him by a request of a MC. But walking from his car to photo wall, and from photo wall to the building, he waved his hand to all on the all sides certainly by his willingness. That was the moment we could feel his heart for his fans.

Source: Magazine BODA 7月号(July)
Translated by: Chocolat | Credit: XIAH Press