Tuesday, June 12, 2012

[NEWS] T-ara takes a group photo with all nine members after working hard in the dance studio

The 9 girls of T-ara are hard at work at the dance studio and takes a quirky group photo. On the 12th of June, Eunjung of T-ara updated her twitter account and shared, "Did real dance practice for 2 long hours straight now T-ara members are making weird poses, Good Job guys!" and shared several group photo's.

On the photo's you can see all nine members of T-ara doing quirky poses while at the dance studio complete with their working out outfits. The girls have been busy practicing their new dance routine day and night in preparation for their upcoming comeback. Netizens commented, "Wow, They stayed up all night practicing until early in the morning and they still have energy to play around? awesome", "They do look a bit tired", "Wow, i cant believe they would stay up until 4 in the morning to practice".

Also, can you spot the new members in the group photo?

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net