Thursday, June 7, 2012

[NEWS] Secret's Zinger is up late at night keeping fit

Even though Zinger of Secret has already lost a lot of weight since her debut she is still working hard in maintaining her figure. On the 7th of June, Zinger updated her twitter and shared, "Working out in the moonlight, It felt good" and shared a photo of her kneeling on a bench wearing a hoodie and shorts.

On her photo, you can see her really slim thighs which compared to her figure on her early days in their debut is way slimmer. Zinger has lost a huge amount of weight after working out and hard work and with a busy schedule with Secret its also no surprise she lost weight. Netizens commented, "Wow, She really lost a lot of weight, its not easy to lose weight on the thighs, thats incredible", "She looks really cute before and she still looks cute now and even sexier", "Her jacket is too big for her".

Source: TV Daily
Written by: blueprincess824 @