Monday, June 11, 2012

[NEWS] RaNia’s agency speaks up about Joy’s absence

RaNia’s agency has decided to formally speak up about the absence of member Joy from the group.

After winning out in Thailand against some 3,000 other competitors, Joy joined RaNia and debut in April of last year. However, starting with the group’s promotions for “Pop Pop Pop”, she has been missing in action. Her photo from the group’s social networking service sites and homepage disappeared as well.

According to RaNia’s agency, DR Music on June 12th, “Joy’s family was severely affected by last year’s major floods in Thailand. Not only was her family’s home entirely flooded and many family members injured. Joy is currently with her family and will not be able to participate in the upcoming promotion.”

Thus, RaNia’s new album, which is reported to have already been completed, was recorded without Joy.

The agency added, Joy hadn’t officially left the group. After the flood recovery of her family, we will be discussing her return to the team.”

Source: Nate