Thursday, June 7, 2012

[NEWS] Infinite and fans celebrates their 2nd year anniversary by donating and volunteer work

The boys of Infinite sure has a big heart! This year, Infinite will be celebrating their 2nd year anniversary since their debut last June 9, 2010. For their anniversary both fans and the boys did their part in helping out in their own way. About 20 to 30 fans prepared a special charity event and donated blood to the Korea Leukemia Children foundation.

Along with this, Infinite has been reported to have donated over 100 million won to UNICEF and also scheduled for a volunteer work on the 9th of June at a child care center in Kwangju. A representative of the group said, "Infinite is going to celebrate their 2nd year anniversary by donating and volunteer work. It has only been 2 years since their debut but the members feel like they have received so much gifts since their debut already so they are doing their best to give back.". Meanwhile, the boys are currently busy promoting their new song "Chaser" which is also received well by the public.

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @