Thursday, June 14, 2012

[NEWS] f(x) Krystal to redeem the Jung Sisters name as she is to throw first pitch for a baseball game

Krystal of f(x) and also younger sister of Jessica of SNSD will be redeeming their name as she is scheduled to throw the first pitch for a baseball game. It has been revealed that Krystal has been invited to throw the first pitch for the upcoming baseball game this 19th of June at the Soul Jamsil Baseball stadium with the game of The Doosan Bears vs. Nexen Horeos.

Krystal's older sister Jessica became a hot topic with her first pitch on a baseball game receiving a lot of attention for her thrown even being compared to Mariah Cary for one of the world's worst first pitches. This time, Krystal will be redeeming the Jung's name as she will be flaunting her athletic skills and even SM Entertainment said that despite being busy with f(x)'s promotional activities, she has been practicing hard to give a good first pitch for the game.

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @