Friday, June 8, 2012

[NEWS] Fans wishes IU to keep her innocent image

It seems fans are happy with IU's image now and does not wish her to change her innocent image. On the 10th of June episode of Y-Star's "Curious" they showed the results of a survey the recently conducted. For the survey, over 200 netizens participated and the survey asked them "Which celebrity would you like to not have a sexy image and not reveal much skin?"

And the celebrity the majority chose was no other than the nation's little sister IU. Those who voted for her said that they are happy with her charming and innocent image now and they do not wish for her to adapt a different especially sexy image in the future. Shin Min Ah came in second place as fans revealed they will be greatly envious of her stunning figure if she will have a sexy image.

Source: TV Daily
Written by: blueprincess824 @