Thursday, June 21, 2012

[INTERVIEW] f(x) Interviewed by Bugs Music!

 Check out girl group f(x)'s interview with Bugs Music below.

Q. Please give your greetings to the Bugs family.
A. Hello, Bugs family! It's been a long time since we have greeted you. This is f(x).

Q. Your last comeback was last year. Please tell us about your activities during that time.
A. After "Pinocchio" and "Hot Summer" last year, the each of the members have worked hard on their respective individual activities. We had a lot of new and precious experiences. During our spare time, we did our preparations for our new mini-album while we wait for the day where we could meet everyone again.

Q. Your mini-album [Electric Shock] has been getting warm receptions. What are your comments on this?
A. Our feelings of wanting to meet the fans was bigger than ever. We received a lot of love from last year's "Pinocchio" and "Hot Summer", so honestly, we were a bit burdened for this comeback. As soon as the news was released, we received a lot of love already and we only thought about conveying our gratefulness with our hard work.

Q. An introduction on this mini-album's concept?
A. You can feel all of f(x)'s uniqueness and individuality that has been showcased since the beginning in this mini-album. Doesn't everything--the sound, lyrics, performances--feel very "f(x)-ish"?

Q. A bear was on the jacket images, what was this trying to present?
A. This is trying to convey a fairy tale which is definitely very f(x) and unique. When you think about it, the music's electronic sound has a striking and trendy feeling. With the different atmospheres between the jacket images and the sound, we're trying to show the numerous different sides only f(x) could showcase.

Q. Please introduce your title track.
A. This is an electronic pop dance song who expresses the exciting, electric shock feelings of falling in love. Although falling in love is a confusing feeling, the giddy feelings is resembles someone being electrocuted and experiencing and exciting shock. The analogy used, "Electric Shock", is represented in the four letters beginning each of the lines in the tetrastich/quatrain, presenting a new colour to the lyrics.

Q. Anything about the music video?
A. You've watched the music video, right? Your feelings~ Similar to the song title, "Electric Shock", an electric shock appears in the midst of [the music video], it's like receiving an exciting electric shock (^^). We hope that this would be able to cool you down as the summer comes. That's the point!

Q. We're curious about your promotional plans.
A. Bugs family! It's been a year since our comeback, thank you for all your love. We will show you a more hardworking side of us through our brisk promotional activities. "Electric Shock". From now on, please look forward to our splendid performances onstage. This has been f(x). Thank you!

Source: fx2you
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