As we know, previously Korean Actor Song Joongki arrived in Singapore on the 25th May 2012, for his Press Conference event on the 26th May and Fanmeeting on the 27th May.
During the Press Conference, Joongki showed his dorky side and answered the questions given to him. He said that this is his third visit to Singapore and he enjoys seeing his fans each time he is here.

When asked about his acting career, he said that he wants to try out more acting roles in the future, no particular role or character, he wants to try out all roles. He also said that he loves starring in the Korean Drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” as it was really fun working together with the casts, and he misses them and hopes to work with them again in another drama if given the chance. He just finished filming for the movie Wolf Boy and is going to start filming for his latest drama Nice Guy.
On whether he will head back to MC-ing, he said that he is primarily an actor so he will focus in his acting career in 2012, though he did admit that he misses being on Music Bank and Running Man. Joong Ki says if given the opportunity, he would love to take on emceeing as a host again as he enjoys meeting female groups.

He was then asked regarding the Korean Variety Show, “Running Man”. He was asked, “who do you think is the best running man member?” with that question, fans were shouting the answers all over and the loudest heard was “Lee Kwang Soo!” with that, he responded jokingly 'Kwangsoo??!' and shook his head in a cute way. Joongki: "Kwangsoo is just the tallest man." Joong Ki thinks Jong kook is the best running man. If given the chance he would love to be part of Running man casts once again and his main aim would be to catch Kwangsoo.
He said that he isn’t sure about the others, but he is definitely confident to catch Kwangsoo. He thinks that Jong kook is so fast that no one can catch him. But at least he himself can catch Kwangsoo easily. Most important lesson he learnt in Running Man? Joong Ki says he has to exercise regularly to keep up with stamina but he was thankful that fans are supporting the variety show even though he's no longer part of it.
He said that he isn’t sure about the others, but he is definitely confident to catch Kwangsoo. He thinks that Jong kook is so fast that no one can catch him. But at least he himself can catch Kwangsoo easily. Most important lesson he learnt in Running Man? Joong Ki says he has to exercise regularly to keep up with stamina but he was thankful that fans are supporting the variety show even though he's no longer part of it.
Most memorable thing about Singapore? He said that he once received “Bak kwa” as a gift from a Singaporean fan during his visit to Singapore six months back. Joongki said "Bak kua was delicious" in English. He said that on his way here, he actually received “Bak kwa” again and was happy and thankful.
He was also requested by his fans to do aegyo and he shyly did the famous ‘buing buing’ aegyo on stage. 

On any plans to release an album since he is singing at his fanmeet , he said 'Never!' but if fans request, he may dance. He shared that during Dream Concert last year, one fan's board wrote 'If you dance, I'll sue you!'
Instead of the autograph event, Joongki said that he would want to give each of his fans a hug as a good memory, in the closed door event (which only Cat 1 and Cat 2 buyers were entitled to participate).
Joong Ki will be having many fan interactions and games at his fan meeting so he hopes to see all his fans there.
Check out more pictures of his Press Conference below:

Boom Korea & dkpopnews will be working together to bring you more updates on Song Joongki. We'll be going down later to Song Joongki's fanmeet as well, so stay updated with dkpopnews for more coverage on Song Joongki's stay in Singapore!
Credits: HallyuSG, sg(x)clusive
Pictures: Boom Korea, Scanationsg
Written by: vannie@dkpopnews
Pictures: Boom Korea, Scanationsg
Written by: vannie@dkpopnews