Monday, May 28, 2012

[NEWS] Girl Group “Model Girls” = Japanese Version of After School?

The entertainment company Oscar Promotion held a press conference in Tokyo for their new girl group “Model Girls” on May 21st.
This group is comprised of eight members. All the members have slim figures and combined have an average height of 175cm. These characteristics are reminiscent of After School’s current group size along with their physiques. Model Girls derived their name not only from their enviable physiques but from the fact that they are all models.

The group’s leader, Sakura Nakamura is 30 years old. She stated “I want to show the world the beauty of Japan… I want to climb to the highest spot“. If this group is in fact styled like After School idols like Kahi are showing that age should not play a part in an idols opportunity to debut.
Model Girls is scheduled for an October debut.

Article: enews